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  • Low investment
  • Get back to the book
  • Sustained profitabilit
  • Activity support
Low investment
The company presents wallboard, floor, LED spotlight, wall hard package, door lettering, image soft film, luminous titanium box and other materials free of charge. The dealer only undertakes the payment for goods, accessories, decoration labor costs, etc., with an average investment of about 800 yuan / square meter, and only 120000 yuan for an average 150 square meter store.
Get back to the book
The company's products always keep up with the trend of French sleep culture and integrate global high-end sleep technology suppliers. While ensuring the quality of high-quality products, the company purchases in large quantities from the source, controls the material cost, achieves the terminal sales with great advantages of dealers, and 98% of the exclusive stores return the capital quickly within 3 months
Sustained healthy profitabilit
The company provides effective online and offline activity training, implementation, landing and other scheme planning, and a specially assigned person is responsible for providing close whole process marketing guidance and assistance, so as to realize sustainable and healthy profits without worries.
Activity support
On major holidays, the headquarters will formulate corresponding practical landing plans, explain and train in the online live broadcast mode, station offline teams for promotion, and help dealers improve their performance in an all-round and three-dimensional way.
  • 01
    Market start, luxury sleep mode
    The company provides terminal operation guidance for dealers, and unlocks the new profit model in an all-round way from store location, store management and soon.
  • 02
    Team building, luxury sleep for training
    The company provides all online and offline training for dealers,including product training, store operation and maintenance, traffic acquisition, order transaction, so as to help dealers build a mature and perfect marketing team.
  • 03
    Promotion and publicity, extravagant sleep to give direction
    The headquarters has made plans for promotion, official account, small program, WeChat public number, and effectively pushing the brand to a new height.
  • 04
    Promotion activities, extravagant sleep for the program
    On major holidays, the headquarters will formulate corresponding practical landing plans,and provide three-dimensional assistance to dealers to improve their performance.
  • 05
    Quality assurance, extravagant sleep to promise
    The products are provided with "Three Guarantees" service of quality warranty, replacement and return in accordance with national standards, so that dealers can operate without worries.